How Do I Know If I Need Pelvic Floor Physical Therapy?
Maybe you’re curious about pelvic floor physical therapy, but not sure if your symptoms are “bad enough”? Take a look at our screening protocol here and see if any of these symptoms resonate with your experience:
I sometimes have pelvic pain (in genitals, perineum, pubic or bladder area, or pain with urination) that exceeds a ‘3’ on a 1-10 pain scale, with 10 being the worst pain imaginable
I can remember falling onto my tailbone, lower back, or buttocks (even in childhood)
I sometimes experience one of more of the following urinary symptoms
Accidental loss of urine
Feeling unable to completely empty my bladder
Having to void within a few minutes of a previous void
Pain or burning with urination
Difficulty starting or frequent stopping/starting of urine stream
I often or occasionally have to get up to urinate two or more times at night
I sometimes have a feeling of increased pelvic pressure or the sensation of my pelvic organs slipping down or falling out
I have a history of pain in my low back, hip, groin, or tailbone, or have had sciatica
I sometimes experience one or more of the following bowel symptoms
Loss of bowel control
Feeling unable to completely empty my bowels
Straining or pain with a bowel movement
Difficulty initiation a bowel movement
I sometimes experience pain or discomfort with sexual activity or intercourse
Sexual activity increases one or more of my other symptoms
Prolonged sitting increases my symptoms
If you said yes to 3 or more of these symptoms, you would benefit from a pelvic floor physical therapy evaluation.
Adapted by the Nicole and Jesse Cozean’s “Screening Protocol for Pelvic Floor Dysfunction”